Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Assignment 3 about global warming.

Global Warming?
Burning hot temperatures
More gases in our air
Over flowing Mother Nature
Does anyone really care?
The Earth will need a fan or two
When the time comes near.
Are we out of control with our oil spills
I think that we must fear.
The factories not listening to what we have to say
We must save our Earth
And we must save it today.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy Mother’s Day to my dear Mum,

Author of my personality:

Pleased, I hope, with what you read in me;

Pleased, I hope, with episodes to come.

Yet now I, too, would get some pleasure from

Making you the book in which I see,

Of all the players in my family,

The central character, whom I would plumb.

How beautiful to move in that direction!

Each to each a separate source of pleasure,

Reading in the other’s happiness,

Mid much description, underlying love.

So would we deepen the connection,

Discovering new passages to treasure

As we follow time towards tenderness,

Yearning for what years unread will prove.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


"Mother's day is the kindness day"

Final calendar, description

Well, as you see this is what I finally came up with. I used yellow gradient color because I feel it is representing kindness of a mother. The green color is simply because leaves are green!

Calendar sketch no.4

Calendar sketch no 3.

Assignment 2 Calendar sketch no.2

Assignment 2 Calendar sketch no.1

This flower is the design I chose for my calendar. My calendar day is "Mother's day". It is representing the kindness of a mother. The statement for my calendar is "Mother's day is the kindness day". As you see my statement, design and my calendar day are all representing same things.